
From Organic Design wiki
\documentclass[a4paper,12pt, oneside,PHD]{uathesis}
%%%%%%%%%%%% uathesis options: %%%%%%%%%%%%%
% singlespace, doublespace 
% oneside, twoside
%include your style files here with

% define additional packages here


\title{Title of the Thesis}
\author{My Name}
\department{Electrical \& Electronic Engineering}
\supervisor[I dont know]{My Mentor's Name}{I don't know}

%create the title page

% create a masters consent form

%%%%%%%%%%%%% First section %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


% create list of figures

%create table of contents

%%%%%%%%%%%% Body of the Thesis %%%%%%%%%%%

%... include your thesis body here

%.. include your appendices here

%%%%%%%%%%%% Last part of thesis indices, bibliography  %%%%%%%%%%%%

%create the bibliography
